Repairs, upgrades, and more
Howdy there. I'm taking a little much appreciated moment to do a blog since there is not much else I can be doing right now. The last few days we have not spent brewing. In fact, we've completely removed the brewing system and all fermenters, glycol chiller, sinks, etc out of our garage to do some much needed repair work. Over the last few years we have really done a number on the poor concrete floors of this building. It was getting so bad that we decided to remove the brewing equipment, have the concrete torn out, reset, and then will be adding epoxy afterwards to ensure this doesn't happen again.
We will also be investing in a new garage door that will allow us to upgrade a couple of our fermenters to a bigger size. When it is all said and done we should be able to brew about 70% more beer right out of our El Granada brewhouse. Even more exciting is that we will be starting up the barrel program again so we will be able to push some beers through a bit quicker and transfer to barrels directly after primary fermentation which should also increase our brewing speed and capacity.
It's all very exciting but stressful. Being down for the count and offline is terrifying. We just hope it goes smoothly. Pics to come soon!